About Planify

Page Contents:


I am Rui Zhang (TotallyInformatik) and I made Planify. I am a teenage professional dumbass and I do programming in my free time.

I live in Germany and attend Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff Grammar. I have always been very interested in programming, as I used to play a lot of games and thus thought that programming was going to be fun too. Soon, when I got into this school, I realized how coding really was my cup of tea.

Basic Information

Planify is an open-source planning application designed to be as intuitive and easy to use as possible. The focus is to create a planning software that looks good and preforms well while staying true to its simple nature.

This application is by no means a professional software and is simply what a teenager made out of enjoyment and in hopes of self-improvement. The aim of this project was to improve upon software development and programming skills in general, as I hadn't had much previous experience in packaging and distributing software.

Another reason why Planify was developed was the want to use electron due to my knowledge of basic webdevelopment tools. I knew what potential simple CSS, HTML, and JS offered, as I had seen and designed beautiful GUIs myself before only using these simple tools.

Geeky Stuff

This software is written using Electron and simple web-development tools (HTML, Sass, Javascript as well as Jquery, as mentioned above) to assure ease in creation of a beautiful UI. It uses json-files in means of information-storage.

Instead of using Javascript frameworks such as React, I decided to use a self-made component-handling system, where classes are made with a static attribute refering an HTML-Element using Jquery. This element is then modified according to non-static attributes set during the creation of one such component. The attributes of these components are then stored in json-files, which is then loaded the next time Planify is started.

The total storage size of Planify ver. 1.0.0 is 421 MB.